123 Baby walker is the multi functional activity center that can be used from 6 months as baby walker, when the baby is 9 months it becomes a first steps and when he's 18 months it finally becomes a ride-on! 123 is the activity center that allows your baby to play in total safety from 6 months to 3 years! Without using any tool it can be transformed from baby walker to first steps or ride-on. The electronic toy panel can be detached and used in all the three configurations. It is made up with lights, sounds and funny mechanical activities such as the mobile phone, the pop-up character and the mirror leaf. 123 can be easily regulated in 2 height positions. The knobs can be adjusted when 123 is set in first steps or ride-on configuration. 7 stopper ensure the total safety usage even when the walker is close to the stairs. In the ride-on configuration 123 has a comfortable seat. When it is used as walker or first steps, the seat can be removed and stored in the structure, saving space at home! The only multifunctional baby walker that also turns into a first steps push toy and ride on toy Compared to the standard baby walkers this offers longevity Suitable from 6 months up to 3 years of age Removable and interactive toy panel with lights sounds and mechanical activities Possibility to personalize the product by downloading letters from the Chicco Website Adjustable to 2 height positions Ergonomic seat Safety brakes Rear opening to allow the child to position autonomously Easily adjustable from walker to push-along toy and ride-on toy